Thursday, August 20, 2009

What religion are you?

"What religion are you?" 

When I venture out into the world of Dhaka, I am asked this question at least once a day. At first, it struck me as odd because it seems like one of those questions that would be a social taboo to ask upon first meeting a person...right next to "How much money do you make?" But here, it's the norm - lab technicians, book sellers, and rickshaw drivers all seem to have standard questions when they come upon a foreigner: "What country?" "What religion?" and "Are you married?" The appropriate answer to the latter I have learned is "Not yet." as opposed to "No." 

The first time I was asked this, I wasn't sure how to respond. Is saying Catholic okay or should you say nothing? What is the motive behind asking the question and will they think of you in a different light based on your answer? Taken aback, I said Christian. The man looked me up and down and nodded with neither approval nor distain. After talking to some people, no one seems to know why people ask this question and from what I understand, they don't care how you answer, as long as you have a religion. If you are an atheist, you best not be expressing that to the people on the streets. While I still find it odd, I think it's wonderful that the people here are so accepting. They don't care what you believe in, they just want to know that you believe in something. 

My roommate brought this subject up with one of her lab technicians. She asked what he thought of people who were not Muslim and his response: 'Maybe all the people with different religions might be praying to the same God.' I was impressed with this response just for the fact that I didn't expect it, but am coming to appreciate how open minded the people I have come to know are. Maybe it's not like this in other parts of the country, but seeing as the area my fieldsite is in happens to be an amalgamation of Buddhists, Hindus, and Muslims, I think it must be so. However, hopefully I will soon come to know.

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